Headache - Causes and Herbal Treatment

The literal meaning of a Headache is 'disease of the head'. Headache is multiple types of disorder. There are eleven types of a headache in Ayurveda. Headache can be due to a various number of causes.

The most important causes of a headache are Trauma, Inflammation of the Meninges, Encephalitis, Cerebral Abscess, Migraine, Hypertension, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Vasodilator Drugs, and Alcohol Hangover. Some other causes of Headache are fever, metabolic disorders and last but not the least diseases of the ENT (Eyes, Nose, and Throat).

Herbal Treatment of Headache -

• Betel leaves have analgesic and cooling properties. Paste of this leaves gives immediate relief if applied to the centre of Headache.
• Aroma of Clove can soothe the nerves and bring it back to a pacified state.
• Henna flowers and leaves have tremendous cooling properties. It can give immediate relief after applying to the headache area. It can be mix with vinegar to get better results in excessive heat.
• Garlic and Ginger have miraculous properties in relieving headache. Both have good painkiller property. Ginger-Garlic paste or juice can be a good herbal remedy in headache.
• Bishop’s weed is very useful in headache. It is most effective herbal remedy in migraine. Bishop’s fumes are smoked or the seeds are sniffed directly.
• Soak some almonds in warm water overnight. In the morning, grind them into a paste and warm them slightly in pure ghee. Mix this in water or milk and drink. This helps in treating old headache problems.
• Drinking warm water with a fresh lemon squeezed in it brings the headache and gas problem down.
• Warm cow milk is very beneficial in headache.
• Spicy and fried foods should be avoided when there is a headache.
• Cinnamon paste with water is very good in headache.

Read more about the Headache Treatment and Ayurvedic Cooking for your healthy life. Also read complete information on Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Treatment and Benefits at http://www.natural-cure-guide.com - Free Information for your Healthy Life Style!!

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